After a long and enjoyable trip to South Korea, it is time to say bye bye and home sweet home to Singapore. Oh how I miss home and our local food. :)

Dont you hate it when they dont have individual screen on the back seat, you have to sit straight and tall to watch the front screen for a movie.

Korean Air Stewardess serving drinks on the plane.

I had rice and beef for dinner.
Good morning from Texas. I would much prefer rice and beef for dinner than what we normally get on flights. Maybe if I took a much longer flight overseas...
It looks as if the Korean air service is much better than I am used to.
wow that looks yummy. was it good, i have always like the food on the plane
Yes it is good, we had ice cream for dessert. But i rather prefer the breakfast set.
Thanks for sharing your journey!
Yes, it's always nice to come home. You were gone for quite a long time! But what an interesting time you had. And that dinner you had on the plane looks delicious. What a nice ending to your vacation!
Hi Alice! Back home and profiting from the Portugal’s Day holiday, I’m trying to catch up your posts.
It seems that the Korean Airlines screen doesn't match the food and the wines... ;)
Can imagine your shopping cruise in the Sinchon area with the nice excuse of the 2ยบ Celsius outside. Wonder how you managed to carry all the packages... ;))
But the best of the game is the drunk drivers punishment; interesting solution! ;)))
Thanks also for your comments at Blogtrotter, which has now landed in Santiago de Compostela, Spain!
Hope you enjoy, and have a nice rest of the week!
wow! i found another travel blog! nice one. i think have to read all the previous post to catch up since im unfortunate to have read a good bye korea post.
The beef and rice looks tasty.
Julie says thanks for your kind comments on her paintings.
There should be an Art clss near you where you could enrole in?.
Thank you Imac.
The beef looks delicious! People think I'm wierd but I just LOVE airplane food..... =)
Thanks for dropping by!
Nice photos.
Thanks for sharing your trip.
Thanks for the visit,
Troy and Martha
I hope to visit Seoul someday. :)
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