These are the boats that we would take. Can you imagine about 40 people in one boat.
We need to put on life jackets. The life jackets seem so wear off. Some are without buckles and the zip dont work. I have to choose one with workable buckles but the zip dont worked at all. Looked so scary.

We need to wear walking shoes and not flip flops cause the stairs leading to the small jetty is so steep and dangerous. I am so scare of the stairs, it only have very small steps for us to step and most of the time it is very flat and steep.

Too bad I cant take photo of the fireflies in the dark, it is just too dark and my photo turned out all
But it was fun, the fireflies looked like twinkling lights in the trees, just like christmas trees in the homes. There are so many of them.
If it rain, the whole fireflies viewing tour will be cancelled.
Nice post.. i have added you to my blogroll.. Hop u too will add me... visit my blog.. tak care!!!
Hi its never too late when visiting blogs...Thanks anyway for that comment on my page. You too have strikingly beautiful photos here. Good Day and Happy Blogging always!
Very fun! Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog!
Up north in Maryland firefly season was always fun, and a sure sign that summer had "arrived." We don't have them down here in Florida.
Thank you for taking us on your tour! I am also scared of slippery gangways of boats. Thank you for your comment. When the war was over we had to leave Java and went to Singapore where we lived for 2 months in an English camp, which was good. Then we went to Holland.
ur blog is so nice!By the way at your free time try to visit my site.I'll also visit yours often.I'll add you in my blogroll as soon as you visit mine.Hope you'l visit soon.
wow! I like to go to places that has fireflies because they said that if a place is filled with it, it means the place still has a very good natural environment. the last time ive seen fireflies was when we were in capones island.
Very interesting and very different. I talked with people from Singapore two weeks ago in Newark..... I don't much about your country. I'll be back!
Thanks for all the nice comments and hope you enjoy the photos of my trip as much as I enjoyed the trip. :)
Marie, please do come back and visit my singapore blog. :)
I would enjoy such a trip...watching fireflies in the night!
These are interesting photos and sounds like it was going to be fun. It has been many yrs since i have seen fireflies
i love the shot. great job. i was with dong ho when we saw lots of fireflies in a tree making it glow.
kung hei fat choi.
Sad that the fireflies could not be photographs. But they are simply amazing. Fireflies were a common insect in my childhood. I mean, we used to play with them.
OK. If you remember, you requested me to let you know when I post the answer to my "Funny Hoardings!!!" post. You may visit the post now. I have put the answers in the comments.
Thanks AliceSG :)
Pak karamu visiting your blog
A fun trip, I would like to see the fireflies, pity they didn't show up on the film. We have glow worms but no fire flys.
Thanks for stopping by! I will come back for visit, I hope you will stop back by! Boat trip looks like lots of fun!
nice post...visit my blog too...
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