Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bangkok Trip 2024 - Day 2 - Terminal 21 Rama 3 - Level 1 - UK Theme

As we were in the middle of a heatwave in Bangkok, temperature can feel like 50 degrees celsius, as senior citizen, we kept most of our activities indoors. As we had been to Bangkok a few times, so not much sightseeing will be done for this trip.

We visited the new Terminal 21 Rama 3 (not to be confused with the Terminal 21 at Asok.)

My friend booked a Grab to take us from our hotel to Terminal 21 Rama 3. Was about 20 minutes ride with no traffic jam.

There is a shuttle bus from BTS Surasak to Terminal 21 Rama 3 that leaves every hourly. Do note the shuttle bus is a small van and could filled up easily especially during peak hours. For more information on the shuttle bus schedule, please visit their official website . 

Could only quickly take a snapshot of the Gate 4 before hurriedly run into the mall to hide from the heatwave. It is really hot, the sun heat burning on your skin feeling.

There's a lot of dining in the mall.

We were there when the mall just open that explain the empty crowd in the mall. Good timing for perfect photos. We stayed in the mall for a couple of hours just to take photos of every floor with different themes. On level one the theme is UK, so everything is like England.

Even the toilets were not spared from our camera hahaha. As the mall is very new, the toilets are very new and clean too.

Just outside the toilet, looked like a English Garden.


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