After resting in the hotel, we decided to hunt for dinner. The hotel reception service staffs are really helpful when we asked for directions for the famous tauge (beansprouts) chicken. They provided us with a map with list of popular shops/eateries near the hotel. So thankful to them.

With the help of the map and verbal descriptions from the staff, we finally able to find the famous Lou Wong Tauge Chicken which is located at 49 Jalan Yau Tet Shin, Ipoh. It is easy to find, once we exited from French Hotel, we turned right and walked all the way straight and cross one road and we would come across a market and Jalan Yau Tet Shin is just two streets diagonally opposite this market.

So glad we found the place, and being excited tourists we placed our order with Lou Wong Tauge Chicken. Tourists were more familar with this shop cause back home our TV travel/food documentary program always recommend this shop.

The beansprouts were indeed fat and crunchy, tasted yummy but I think I still prefer our Singapore Chicken and what is chicken rice without the red chicken rice chilli sauce. So it seems strange to eat the chicken without dipping them in our familar chilli sauce hahahaha, perhaps next time, I gotta bring my own chilli lol.

The locals prefer Onn Kee than Lou Wong. I could not compare cause did not try and most shops are closed at night when we were there, think they only open during lunch time on weekdays and luncn and dinner only during weekend. So only Lou Wong open everyday lunch and dinner time.

Lots of pomelos on sale in here. Ipoh Pomelos are well know to be sweet and juicy.
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