Sunday, January 05, 2025

Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar Trip 2024 - Day 5 - Salamanca Orientation Tour (part 2)

For centuries, the university town of Salamanca has entertained students, children and visitors with a game of “spot the frog.” As the oldest university in Spain and third oldest in the world, Salamanca knows how to spin a good tale.

Ours starts at the entrance to the Universidad Civil, an immense sandstone carving that rises towards the sky. There, amid the carved stonework above the Puerta de Salamanca facade, lives the all important Salamanca frog.

Spot it and you’ll have good luck in the following year. Especially in exams. (source)

Clever way to  make business selling frog keychains.

Continuing with our walk, we arrived at Plaza Mayor, Salamanca. It was first designed for bull fighting, now it is lined with restaurants and shops and a meeting place.

We had some burger and ice cream as we had not a full lunch hahaha, and also to use the restroom in MacDonald.

Our next spot the game is the astronaut.  A 400 year old cathedral has a carving of the astronaut. One might wonder if the original architect received a prophetic vision, no it was the work of a renegade artist who decided to carve strange figures into the stone. source

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