The best part now is the shopping, did some shopping around Poppies Lane 1 and 2, did not take too much photos of the shops, guess I was too busy bargaining for my goods hahaha.

Do remember to check out these nice graffiti sprayed on the wall around Poppies Lane 2.

Shops around Poppies Lane 2

Do remember to bargain at least 50 to 60% of the asking price especially if you are buying more than one. If you are buying half a dozen easily can slashed the asking price by 60% but for one piece you really have to try very hard by pretending to walk away hahaha. If you are unsure of the price to bargain or do not like bargaining, you can head to one of these shops with FIXED PRICE. Saw some singlet tee shirts and shorts in this shop going for about RP30,000 each but those shops around Kuta (including Poppies Lane 1 and 2) are asking as high as Rp120,000 each,we managed to slash the asking price to RP 20,000 each. Do not get into argument with the shopkeepers, just politely declined if the price is not right for you.

The heat is getting unbearable for us, head back to Discovery Mall to have our lunch, no appetite for big meals cause of the heat.

Glad that A&W fast food in Discovery Mall had some fried chicken and my favourite root beer float.

Went back to our hotel to bath again (hot hot hot) and rest before heading out again for last minute shopping.

Speedy mart next to our hotel (Adhi Jaya Hotel), had very reasonable fixed prices, bought more tee shirts and local snacks.

Then we headed to the newest Lippo Mall (just opened last year), not many tourists know about this mall, but there's a big hypermart at the basement of the mall which I think sold the cheapest in Kuta. The mineral water is so much cheaper than the rest of the marts and not to mention the sourvenirs like Bali Chocolates, Bali Coffee, etc. Even the brand of cosmetics that I bought from Singapore could be found in here and were at least 50% cheaper, OMG, so much to buy and so cheap, I could not list them all in here hahaha but am glad I found some cheap and beautiful agar agar mould that cost less than S$3 for a dozen and etc etc, hahahaha crazy over the cheap prices.

There's so many empty shops in the mall but you need to head to the basement to locate the hypermart.

Lippo Mall is a 10 mintues walk from Discovery Mall, is just next to Ramada Bintang Bali Resort.Address of Lippo Mall Jl.Kartika Plaza,Lingkungan Segara, Kuta 80361

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