I spotted so many jackfruits on just one tree. There are so many such trees in chu chi tunnel. We were supposed to visit the tunnels but the fruits just attracted us...lol.

The orange fruit up in the tree is that of the cashew nut. So unique. Did not know cashew nut looked like this, I only know how to eat the nuts..hahaha.
I thought the fruit was that of a nutmeg. Thanks to Iman, I now corrected my post. :) I must have not paid much attention to the guide and already falling sick at Chu Chi.
hi alice, that's not nutmeg, cashew nut it is
Oh thank you so much Iman. I guess I did not pay much attention to the guide...lol. I will correct on my post. Thank you once more again.
i see. now I know that to expect in this tour.
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